
FPÖ approves amendment to the Renewable Energy Expansion Act – strengthening domestic industry and securing jobs

An article from www.ots.at reports that the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) has approved the Renewable Energy Expansion Act. FPÖ energy spokesman MP Dr. Axel Kassegger explained in today's National Council session that the party had previously voted against the change in the law because, in their view, certain passages were not formulated in sufficiently specific terms. The governing parties were asked to provide the appropriate details, which is what has happened with the current amendment proposal.

One specific point that was discussed was the European bonus for the solar industry. The FPÖ is actively committed to strengthening Austria and Europe as a business location. The law in its current form sends a strong signal to domestic and European industry, especially in competition with the strong Chinese industry. No additional costs would arise and the location and jobs would be secured while dependencies would be minimized.

Kassegger sees the FPÖ's approval of the Renewable Energy Expansion Act as a sensible measure to protect the business location and jobs. The details provided have led to a positive decision that is in the interests of Austrian industry.

Overall, the FPÖ's approval sends a strong signal for the expansion of renewable energies, which should have a positive impact on the business location and jobs. The exact details of the law and the effects on the solar industry are described in detail in the article from www.ots.at.

Source: die-nachrichten.at

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