
WKÖ President Mahrer congratulates Georg Knill on his re-election as IV President

An article from www.ots.at states that WKÖ President Harald Mahrer IV congratulated President Georg Knill on his re-election. Mahrer expressed his best wishes and wished Knill much success for his second term at the head of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV). As President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Mahrer is looking forward to continuing the constructive cooperation in order to represent the interests of the domestic economy and industry.

There are various challenges facing the business and industrial location. Mahrer emphasizes that in these times it is even more important to have a committed and reliable partner to advance the location in important future issues. Georg Knill is seen as such a partner and Mahrer is looking forward to future cooperation.

The re-election of Georg Knill as president of the IV is seen as positive news for the domestic economy. Knill has already proven in his first term that he can successfully represent the interests of industry. His re-election gives the IV continuity and stability while it works together with the Chamber of Commerce to further develop the domestic business location.

Knill's exact plans and goals for his second term are not explained in detail in the article. However, it is emphasized that as President of the IV he will be an important partner for the Chamber of Commerce and the domestic economy. The cooperation between the two organizations is seen as crucial for the successful development of the business location.

Finally, the article shows that the re-election of Georg Knill to the presidency of the IV has been met with a positive response. The congratulations and good wishes from WKÖ President Harald Mahrer underline the importance of this election for cooperation and the future of the domestic economy and industry.

[Quelle: www.ots.at]

Source: die-nachrichten.at

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