Human rights in focus: Gender discussions at the UN – Politics
The debate on the protection of human rights, especially with regard to gender issues, is gaining increasing importance at the United Nations. The discussions are being actively promoted by countries such as Pakistan and Egypt, members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Diplomats report resistance to efforts to strengthen human rights. right from LGBTQ+ Individuals fueled by missionary groups from the US. The Vatican and Russia are also joining these efforts, with the latter trying to forge new alliances.
Trench warfare and protests
A critical atmosphere prevails not only at the UN, but also in Germany, where populist and conservative groups are using the issue of gender to win voters. This development is linked to a global trend towards nationalist and cultural values that pushes social justice into the background, says ILGA spokeswoman Julia Ehrt.
German ambassador sets an example
Even within the UN, there are tensions that are reflected in discussions about key documents such as budget and staffing papers. Ambassadors, including German Ambassador Stasch, have expressed their displeasure at the removal of references to LGBTQI+ rights from certain documents. This practice contradicts the UN's goal of promoting tolerance and equality for all people, regardless of gender identity and gender roles.
It remains to be seen how the discussions and trench warfare at the United Nations will develop. Ultimately, it is a question of whether the global community considers the protection and recognition of human rights, regardless of gender-specific aspects, to be a top priority.
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