Family. Future. Community: A new look at Kaufbeuren IF Stefan Bosses and his connection with the city
Kaufbeuren's mayor Stefan Bosse opened the doors of his personal life and his thoughts on the future of the city for the first time in an exciting podcast interview with Claus Tenambergen. This new episode of the podcast "Lokal.Töne" offers a unique insight into Bosse's family roots in Kaufbeuren, his beginnings in politics and the challenges he has faced over the last 20 years as mayor.
The conversation not only showed Bosse's personal connection to the city, but also his passion for developing and strengthening the community in Kaufbeuren. Bosse spoke about the strengths and weaknesses that make Kaufbeuren a livable city and emphasized the importance of preserving the old town as a cultural heritage for future generations.
One of the key questions of the conversation was Bosse's consideration of whether he will run for mayor again in 2026. This consideration not only sheds light on Bosse's personal ambitions, but also on the future of Kaufbeuren and the role he could play in it.
The interview with Stefan Bosse in the “Lokal.Töne” podcast is not only a review on his previous term in office, but also a outlook to the coming years and the joint creation of a promising future for the city of Kaufbeuren.