The safety of our celebrity guests is at stake
A recently uncovered scandal involving fake or missing security guard IDs among the security staff of a private company has reignited the debate about security at events in Wiesbaden and Frankfurt. The security of the Wiesbaden Kurhaus and the Rhein-Main Congress Center in particular has come under particular criticism, as prominent guests such as Chancellor Scholz and Prime Minister Rhein attended events that were guarded by unqualified and unvetted personnel. This explosive situation shines a spotlight on the security industry in general and the risks associated with awarding contracts to companies based solely on the lowest price.
A step in the right direction
A company based in Frankfurt is at the centre of the investigations that have been carried out by the Frankfurt Public Order Office for one and a half years. The union secretary Guido Jurock of ver.di stresses the need for a complete investigation of the incident and demands ConsequencesThe question arises whether the Frankfurt Public Order Office acted appropriately to clarify the serious allegations and to check the reliability of the security company in accordance with the legal provisions.
Public sector responsibility
In order to ensure safety at events, ver.di is demanding that the public sector take responsibility for safety itself and no longer engage profit-oriented private service providers. The introduction of general contractor liability for external contracts could ensure that the client bears responsibility and that collective bargaining laws are complied with. In addition, the responsible authorities should carry out strict controls to ensure that only qualified personnel are employed and that black sheep are weeded out of the industry.
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